CSV Signum Exchange SRL


str. Ion Creangă 47/1, sector Buiucani, mun. Chișinău, MD-2064

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Contact info

mobile phone: 
+373 69602292
mobile phone: 
+373 69209131

Opening hours

Open 24/24 (Nightly right from 17:00 to 10:00)

Exchange rates

Exchange rates for cash operations on

There are not rates for this day

National Bank (NBM) exchange rates

usd USD 17.4402 Lei -0.0047  down
eur EUR 19.4615 Lei -0.0243  down
rub RUB 0.1885 Lei 0.0011  up
ron RON 3.9123 Lei -0.0050  down
uah UAH 0.4219 Lei 0.0009  up
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