Get NBM exchange rates provides a method of integration of currencies block within your site. Using tools on this page, you can configure the widget by changing the size and color.

Displayed information - NBM exchange rates for the current day, for the major currencies relative to Moldovan Leu.

Adding a rates block is very simple: Click in the box with HTML code, then use Copy / Paste functions to insert code into your site.

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Step 1. Configure:
Block width:
Border color:
Title color:
Step 2. Preview:
Step 3. Copy code:

National Bank (NBM) exchange rates

usd USD 18.0450 Lei 0.0983  up
eur EUR 19.5752 Lei -0.0029  down
rub RUB 0.2142 Lei -0.0008  down
ron RON 3.9334 Lei -0.0004  down
uah UAH 0.4345 Lei 0.0026  up