CSV Doroș Schimb SRL Filiala 2


str. Alexandru cel Bun 30/3, or. Ialoveni, r-ul Ialoveni, MD-6801

show on map

Contact info

mobile phone: 
+373 79352044

Opening hours

Open 24/24 (Nightly right from 18:00 to 08:00)

Exchange rates

Exchange rates for cash operations on

Currency buy. sell.
USD 18.2800 18.7000
EUR 20.6100 21.0000
RUB 0.1200 0.2370
RON 4.0500 4.1900
UAH 0.0500 0.6500

National Bank (NBM) exchange rates

usd USD 17.4390 Lei -0.0091  down
eur EUR 19.4062 Lei 0.0145  up
rub RUB 0.1872 Lei -0.0004  down
ron RON 3.9004 Lei 0.0019  up
uah UAH 0.4221 Lei 0.0009  up
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