Dagman Plus CSV


str. Alexandru Pușkin 22, of. 47 (parter Casa Presei), sector Centru, mun. Chișinău, MD-2001

show on map

Contact info

mobile phone: 
+373 79049600
mobile phone: 
+373 68128406

Opening hours

Open 24/24 (Nightly right from 19:30 to 10:00)

Exchange rates

Exchange rates for cash operations on

There are not rates for this day

National Bank (NBM) exchange rates

usd USD 17.4108 Lei 0.0000 
eur EUR 19.4200 Lei 0.0000 
rub RUB 0.1877 Lei 0.0000 
ron RON 3.9027 Lei 0.0000 
uah UAH 0.4229 Lei 0.0000 
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